Archive Appeal success!

We are delighted to announce that, thanks to the generosity of you our supporters, the 2018 Archive Appeal was a huge success! We achieved the full target amount for the Appeal and will be able to rehouse over 5000 irreplaceable and fragile glass plates in our Abydos and Armant collections during 2019.
As well as our members, we also received donations from local Egyptological societies, our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers, as well as publishers, and various fundraising events run by our Local Ambassadors – thank you to everyone who helped!
We are especially grateful to the Friends of the Petrie Museum who have very kindly provided a grant towards the training element of the Appeal to facilitate further knowledge exchange between the EES and Petrie Museum. A large number of the plates to be rehoused relate to the work of Flinders and Hilda Petrie at Abydos, while others provide important contextual records for artefacts preserved in the Petrie Museum’s collections. We hope that rehousing these together with staff from the Petrie Museum, we can provide even more connections between archives and artefacts!
We’ll bring you further updates on the rehousing project when it begins in summer this year.