
Please note: we have started using Closed Captions on all EES events to make them more accessible! They might be automatically on if you watch on a mobile device, so you have to turn them off before attending our next event. Instructions are available in the above document.

EES Courses Structure

Courses hosted by the Egypt Exploration Society are classified into the following categories:

Apprentice Ankh.png

No prior knowledge is necessary

Accessible to anyone with a passion for Egyptian heritage

Scribe Scarab.png

General knowledge of Egypt is recommended

No specialist knowledge in the relevant area is necessary

Vizier Wedjat.png

Degree-level comprehension of Egyptological terms is recommended

Introductory knowledge of the relevant area is recommended

EES Online Courses

All online courses hosted by the Egypt Exploration Society will be available online via Zoom live on Tuesday or Thursday evenings between 18:00-19:30 UK time. All courses will provide recordings for those unable to attend the live sessions, which will be available for course participants for one month after the event. Members of the Egypt Exploration Society can book at a heavily discounted rate, find out more about our membership here.

Click here for our programme of events!

Please click on the headings to access the event. 

 Clayton_Middle Egyptian Reading Texts_stela_Imenyseneb

Middle Egyptian Text Reading

Adams_Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra_Cleopatra and Caesarion at Dendera
Joint EES, SPRS and SPHS event

Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra

Clayton_Beyond Beginners Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs_Sebekkhu stela

Beyond Beginners Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Sheppard_Women’s Work in the History of Egyptology_Jonas Broome Calverley

Women’s Work in the History of Egyptology

Naeser_Understanding New Kingdom Theban Tombs_offering scene

Understanding New Kingdom Theban Tombs

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