Egyptian Archaeology 65

Recent research and fieldwork, autumn 2024
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Egyptian Archaeology is the EES full-colour magazine, reporting on current excavations, surveys and research in Egypt and Sudan, showcasing the work of the EES as well as of other missions and researcher.

Autumn 2024


Ramesses Reappears in Hermopolis, Basem Gehad, Hourig Sourouzian, and Yvona Trnka-Amrhein

Burial equipment of Ramesses III in the Musée du Louvre: Current Research on the Collection of Henry Salt, Willem Hovestreydt, Lea Rees, and Anke Weber

Building on the Legacy of Walter Bryan Emery at North Saqqara, Sergio Alarcón Robledo

Excavating the Eastern Escarpment at North Saqqara, Nozomu Kawai

Back to the Harbour of the Pharaohs to the Land of Punt: New Archaeological Investigations at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis,  Andrea Manzo, Chiara Zazzaro, and Mahmoud Emam

Mooring Bollards in the Harbour of Taposiris Magna, Marie-Françoise Boussac, Maël Crépy, Joachim Le Bomin, Julie Marchand, Pauline Piraud-Fournet and Alexandre Rabot

Two Lost Plays of Euripides from Roman Philadelphia, Yvona Trnka-Amrhein and Basem Gehad

Conserving Cartonnage: Two Case Studies from the EES Graeco-Roman Branch, Maxim Chesnokov and Morgan Browning

Kathleen Sheppard, Women in the Valley of the Kings: The Untold Story of Women Egyptologists in the Gilded Age
Richard Bussmann, The Archaeology of Pharaonic Egypt: Society and Culture, 2700–1700 BC
Wolfram Grajetzki, The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt (second edition)

Professor Harry Smith (1928–2024)