Friday spotlights
The Egypt Exploration Society is very excited to partner with the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology to hold a series of free lunchtime Spotlight lectures throughout 2017-18.
This replaces the Society’s popular Access Archive Afternoons and will take place from 13:15-13:45 in the main gallery of the Petrie Museum at UCL.
We hope that many of our members will join us, and bring along their friends. Topics presented will include Petrie’s surveying of Delta sites, the modern use of satellite imagery in Egyptian archaeology, the ancient city of Memphis, photography and Tell el-Amarna, the Nubian Salvage Campaign, and more.
The first presentation, on Friday 1st December, will be given by the Society’s Deputy Director, Carl Graves, and will introduce the archives to newcomers as well as its many connections to UCL and the Petrie Museum.
For full events listing and details, please visit our events pages.
See you there!