30 Aug 2022

Book launch!

Read more about our launch party for the 2022 reprint of A Thousand Miles up the Nile by Amelia Edwards.


On 26th August the Egypt Exploration Society launched the 2022 reprint of A Thousand Miles up the Nile by Amelia Edwards at Storysmith bookshop in Bristol. The event was hosted by Prof Aidan Dodson (University of Bristol) and speeches were also given by Dr Carl Graves (EES) and Dr Anna Garnett (UCL) who have written a new introduction to the volume. Dr Julia Thorne, the book’s designer, also talked about how the reprint was created and how the new colour archival images were incorporated within Amelia’s Classic text.

Dr Margaret Jones, Amelia’s latest biographer, was also in attendance as were representatives from some of the archives that had contributed materials to the reprint.


Prior to the launch, the speakers also visited the grave of Amelia Edwards at St Mary’s Church Henbury as well as the site of Amelia’s residence, The Larches. Interviews were given to BBC Radio Bristol earlier in the day and the launch was attended by people from across the south of England. Many thanks to all those who came along to celebrate this milestone, and to those who have supported or purchased the reprint.

Book launch!

A small exhibition to celebrate the launch is now available to see at the EES London Office. It will be on display until December 2022 and is free to visit during opening hours.


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