MESA Guidelines

A guide to the MESA scheme and how it supports Egyptian and Sudanese authors to be published in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology

What is MESA?

Since 1914, the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology has been at the forefront of Egyptological scholar­ship and publication and offered researchers the opportunity to present their work to peers. In order to address the persistent geographic inequality in published Egyptological scholarship, the EES offers the Mentoring for Egyptian and Sudanese Authors (MESA) scheme.

The scheme is not open for application. Potential participants will be identified by JEA’s editorial team during the peer review process. The author’s participation in the mentoring scheme will be acknowledged in the eventual publication in JEA. The mentors may also be acknowledged if they so wish.

The aim of the scheme is for Egyptian and Sudanese authors to benefit from consultations with renowned international experts in respective topics, supporting them in their scientific achievements and output, while also reflecting the global networks of Egyptological research today. The scheme comes as part of the EES’ continuing efforts to support and promote Egypt’s cultural heritage and empower the global Egyptological community. 

Prospective mentees must:

  • be Egyptian or Sudanese, and resident and working in these countries
  • require guidance through a one-to-one mentorship to prepare a high-quality publishable manuscript

Prospective mentors are:

  • members of the global Egyptological community
  • experienced researchers with the appropriate expertise to support mentees

How does MESA work?

MESA supports authors who submit papers to JEA which peer reviewers identify as promising a valuable contribution to scholarly debate, while also needing substantial input in terms of scientific rigour, academic writing, or related aspects. Upon this, authors will be offered to enter a pool of potential mentees.

Up to four authors per year will be selected by JEA’s editor-in-chief for inclusion in the scheme from this pool. Authors selected for the scheme will be paired with experienced mentors who will support them in developing and revising their papers for publication. JEA’s editor-in-chief will identify appropriate mentors based on level of mentoring need, topic, and availability. Introductions will be made electronically and then journal staff will “step back” and allow the mentee and mentor to establish their relationship.

The scheme will offer an honorarium of minimum 50 GBP and maximum 400 GBP to mentors (not mentees) depending on, and in recognition of, the time and resources they invested. The honorarium will be agreed between JEA’s editor-in-chief and the mentor in advance of the mentorship. It will be paid upon invoicing through the mentor when the paper resulting from the mentorship has been accepted for publication in JEA. Mentors are free to waive their honorarium in support of the scheme.

Acknowledgement of the mentorship

The participation of the author in MESA will be acknowledged in the published paper with the statement:

‘This contribution was prepared for publication through the author’s participation in the Mentor­ing for Egyptian and Sudanese Authors (MESA) scheme of the Egypt Exploration Society thanks to generous funding from their Patrons.’


‘This contribution was prepared for publication through the author’s participation in the Mentor­ing for Egyptian and Sudanese Authors (MESA) scheme of the Egypt Exploration Society thanks to generous funding from their Patrons, with NN acting as a mentor to the author.’

or a similar statement to the same effect.

Further remarks

The mentorship will begin with a discussion between the proposed mentor and JEA’s editor-in-chief to address the following points:

  • expectations in regularity of communications and time commitment
  • responsibility on the side of the mentee for incorporating suggested edits
  • issues arising from disagreements between mentor and mentee and conflict resolution
  • level of mentor acknowledgement in the published manuscript

Those participating in the scheme (as mentees and mentors) should consider their roles and observe mutual respect during their involvement. The mentor-mentee relationship should be based on positive and appreciative communication, attention, trust, clear expectations and coordinated arrangements.

What makes a good mentor?

Mentors need to listen, show respect, and guide the mentee through the process, not simply impose their imputs on the manuscript.

What makes a good mentee?

Mentees need to be open to feedback, contribute their enthusiasm for learning, and respect the mentor’s input in terms of time, expertise and experience. 


If you have any further questions about MESA or would like to get involved as a mentor, then contact JEA’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr Claudia Naeser.