16 Dec 2020

The difference you made possible

Look what your subscriptions and donations helped to achieve in 2020, and a commitment for 2021

As we come towards the end of such a difficult year for everybody around the world we want to say a big thank you to all of you that have joined or rejoined our Society this year, participated in our online events, and secured our essential charitable work by making generous donations.

This year our community has grown and grown, with new recruits from across the globe. We all have one thing in common: we believe that future generations should be able to share our own sense of wonder at the marvels that Egyptian culture has bequeathed to the world. 

2020 has reminded us all of the irreplaceable and positive role that heritage plays in our lives, not least the lives of those dependent on it in Egypt today. 2021 offers hope but enormous challenges too. Which is why, thanks to your generosity, we will be stepping up our support to protect Egyptian cultural heritage left vulnerable by the global health crisis.

In return for all the help you’ve given us over the past year we’re determined to provide even more for you, our members, in 2021. We’ll be bringing you exciting online content from our collections, reports from projects you have made possible, and of course continuing our ever-popular online lectures, courses, and study days! We look forward to welcoming you back to our collections when safe to do so, but we have plenty of virtual offerings online in the meantime.

We’re humbled and amazed by your dedicated participation and support this year. Without your help, we would not have been able to reach so many people around the world and engage them with the incredible work you make possible. Your subscriptions and donations have made a huge difference to our journey this year. Thank you. We look forward to welcoming you back (digitally) in the New Year – spread the word and bring a friend!

Take care,



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