24 Jul 2018

Now recruiting: EES Local Ambassadors

The Society’s new Local Ambassador Programme was launched in July 2018 and is now recruiting in the UK. Join in our efforts to explore Egyptian heritage and protect it for future generations by applying today.

Since January 2018, the Society has been running a pilot project to trial a new Local Ambassador Programme across the UK in order for current supporters to express their passion for Egypt’s unique global heritage by raising awareness of the Society, our mission, and charitable activities.

Over the course of six months, Vanessa Foott and Ildiko Kalnoky have distributed leaflets and spoken at local society meetings (Egyptological and other interested groups). They have succeeded in increasing interest in the Society’s work as well as recruiting some new members too. They have been guided by Prof Joann Fletcher who kindly offered to lead the Programme and offer her own services to the task of raising awareness and funds for the Society.

Prof Joann Fletcher at the Saqqara Imhotep Museum. Image copyright: Dr Amr Aboulfath.

Prof Joann Fletcher at the Imhotep Museum, Saqqara, © Dr Amr Aboulfath.

In many ways, the Local Ambassador Programme builds on the Society’s early use of Local Honorary Secretaries around the UK and overseas to raise funds for the Society’s work as well as liaising with their Egyptological institutions and museums. Our new EES Local Ambassador Guide gives some suggestions for activities that can help our mission to explore Egyptian sites and monuments and share a lasting record of the remains. From running events, liaising with local societies and institutions, to fundraising activities, resources for all of these exciting opportunities will be provided on an exclusive Local Ambassador Zone on our website. Altogether it is about engaging more people interested in protecting Egyptian heritage, spreading knowledge of the Society’s work and ensuring that we can continue this mission in the future.

The Society is the sum of its supporters and continues to reflect their own interest in preserving Egypt’s heritage for future generations – just as our founder Amelia Edwards wished. The Local Ambassador Programme may therefore be better named a movement for all those with an interest in Egyptian history to express their passion by helping the Local Ambassadors, or becoming one yourself.


Local Ambassador pack, available for £10 after your application is approved. 

The Programme has now officially launched in the UK and those that previously expressed an interest have been contacted with details of how to apply (read more here). We look forward to welcoming up to 20 new recruits in 2018. If the Programme continues to be successful, as the pilot project was, then we look forward to expanding involvement next year and potentially recruiting Ambassadors outside the UK.

The Society would like to express our thanks to Joann, Vanessa, and Ildiko for their efforts in the pilot project. We are sure that many of you will see them around as they have all agreed to continue their roles for the Programme. All have found the Programme not only helpful for the EES, but also personally enjoyable – we hope you will too!

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