08 Mar 2016

International Women's Day 2016

To mark IWD2016, the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt and the Egypt Exploration Society together to recognise the work of Prof Zeinab El-Kordy

On Tuesday 8th March 2016 the world celebrated International Women’s Day – an opportunity to celebrate the role and achievements of women in every field. To mark this day, the Ministry of Antiquities in Egypt and the Egypt Exploration Society together to recognise the work of Prof Zeinab El-Kordy.

Throughout her long career she has worked at numerous sites in Egypt and educated some of Egypt’s most influential scholars of the present day. We were honoured to welcome His Excellency, Dr Mamdouh El-Damaty, the Minister of Antiquities who shared some of his personal memories with Prof El-Kordy and the audience. Others paying their respects included Prof Faiza Haikal, Prof Ola El-Aguizy, Prof Hassan Selim, Prof Mohamed El-Shahat, Prof Doha Mostafa, and Prof Heba Nouh. Following the presentations and a short video documenting her career, Prof El-Kordy was presented with a plaque from the Ministry and the EES to mark the special occasion.

The Society would like to extend their thanks to the Ministry of Antiquities for bringing this event together for a second year and look forward to working together again in the future.

The event in pictures:


EES Education and Public Engagement Manager, Carl Graves, welcomes His Excellency Dr Mamdouh El-Damaty to the event


Dr Hisham El-Leithy introduces the event on behalf of the Ministry of Antiquities


Carl Graves says a few words about the history of women in Egyptology, in particular those that have contributed to the long history of the EES


Essam Nagy, EES Fieldwork and Engagement Manager, introduces the Minister of Antiquities, Dr Mamdouh El-Damaty


The Minister of Antiquities shares his own memories of working with Prof Zeinab El-Kordy


The Minister, together with Carl Graves and Essam Nagy present Prof El-Kordy with her plaque


Everybody who spoke during the evening, including colleagues, friends, and students of Prof El-Kordy


Prof Ola El-Aguizy, the Minister of Antiquities, Prof Heba Nouh, Prof Zeinab El-Kordy and Essam Nagy following the event

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