01 Nov 2021

Fundraising target smashed, thank you!

Thanks to your help we’ve almost doubled our annual appeal goal!


Wow, thank you to everyone who has contributed so generously to our annual appeal this year. We aimed to raise £10,000 toward the cost of producing a reprint of A Thousand Miles up the Nile by Amelia B Edwards to mark the 140th anniversary of her founding of the Egypt Exploration Fund (now Society) in 1882, and the 130th year since her passing.

Thanks to your kind support, that target has been smashed and we’re heading toward doubling our initial goal.

Your donations mean that we have enlisted the help of Egyptian artist, Deena Mohamed, to create a new cover for the reprint and will enable us to rethink the project into something more ambitious as well as subsidise the cost of the volume when it is printed. Any additional funds raised will, of course, be restricted to our charitable work in making Egyptological research available to audiences around the world.

If you have not yet donated but would still like to support the production or would like to see your name next to Amelia’s in the volume, then there is still time. You can make donations online or by contacting our team at the London office.

Thank you all for your continued support and inspiration.

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