EES Oxyrhynchus Papyri Assignment Policy

In line with other major papyrological collections, the Oxyrhynchus Papyri Management Committee (OPMC) of the Egypt Exploration Society (EES) places a 5-year limit on assignments of texts for publication, after which the assignment of a text will lapse. Lapsed assignments can only be renewed, if the circumstances justify it, by application to the OPMC. The 5-year period for each text will begin from the date of assignment. All assignments made before 2015, if the scholars wish them to continue, are deemed to have re-started on 1 January 2015. Assignments may not be transferred to other scholars without the express permission of the OPMC.

Scholars experienced in publishing papyri are welcome to apply to the OPMC, normally through a General Editor, to publish texts relating to their research interests. Students being trained on degree programmes or workshops at Oxford, London and elsewhere, for which texts have been allocated by the OPMC, may also be invited by a General Editor (normally their supervisor) to publish a text.

The policy of the OPMC is that all Greek and Latin texts from Grenfell and Hunt’s Oxyrhynchus excavations on behalf of the EES must be published first by the EES in the Oxyrhynchus Papyri series.