24 Feb 2021

Call for partners: EESCon6

Are you interested in hosting the sixth EES Congress in 2022? Read more and apply here.

The Egypt Exploration Society is seeking to partner with a UK institution to organise the sixth EES Congress in 2022. The last EES Con (formerly BEC) was last run online in September and October 2020 in collaboration with Durham University, and provided a unique opportunity for students, scholars, and independent researchers to present their ongoing research and discuss their ideas with attendees from around the world. The EES is committed to supporting the Congress biennially in partnership with another UK institution.

Are you interested in organising EESCon6? Do you have the right facilities and experience to take on the challenge? If yes, then send us an application today.

What is the EES Congress?

The EES Congress was formerly called the British Egyptology Congress. Following the success of hosting BEC5 online in 2020 and to better reflect its international and inclusive nature, it was decided to change the name of the Congress. The EES Congress will be held every other year in collaboration with a UK institution.

Online or physical?

The global COVID-19 pandemic forced BEC5 to be held online in 2020. Tickets were offered free-of-charge and allowed speakers and attendees to attend from anywhere in the world. While some elements of EESCon6 may be held physically, you should detail in your application how you would continue to promote an inclusive Congress for speakers and attendees by utilising online platforms.

How do we apply?

All we need is a letter expressing your institution’s interest in hosting EESCon6, sent by a senior academic or member of staff in your institution. This should be accompanied by details of how you intend to host the event (physical/online) and any other additional information you feel would be useful to support your application.  Preference will be given to those institutions offering financial support or free facilities. When considering possible hosting formats, it may be useful to note that the last Congress attracted over 700 online delegates and was held over two months via Zoom with over 50 presentations. The last physical Congress (held at the KNH Centre, University of Manchester, in 2018) attracted 200 delegates and was held over a weekend, Friday-Sunday, with over 80 presentations.

What will the EES provide?

The EES will provide a dedicated space on its website on which to advertise the conference, upload abstracts and schedules, online poster presentations, and communicate with delegates. The Society will also handle ticket sales through its online payment system and host any online components on its online event platform. Representatives of the Society will also address the delegates in order to showcase current EES work.

If you are interested in organising EESCon6 in partnership with the EES, then please send your application to [email protected] by 5pm Friday 14th May 2021. If you would like further details regarding hosting the EES Congress and the commitment involved, then please contact Carl on the above email address.

The final decision of which institution will host EESCon6 will be made by the EES Board of Trustees by the end of June 2021, based on the applications received.

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