Bringing you the latest research
In January 2021, the 106th volume of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology was sent to subscribers around the world. As usual, members of the EES subscribing to the Journal are the first to receive copies both online and in-print and we hope that you enjoy this double-dose of the JEA!
Thanks to the tireless work of the Editor-in-Chief, Dr Claudia Näser, and the Managing Editor of the JEA, Dr Stephanie Boonstra, four issues of the JEA were produced in 2020 despite significant setbacks caused by the global health crisis. The Society is especially grateful to them both for seeing the Journal through such difficult times and increasing productivity during the year. We are also grateful to all colleagues who supported the JEA through giving their expertise in peer reviews, supplied book reviews and acted as mentors in the MESA scheme. Their readiness to contribute keeps the JEA going.
2020 also saw the launch of the JEA Mentoring for Egyptian and Sudanese Authors (MESA) Scheme which helps Egyptian and Sudanese authors to benefit from mentoring by renowned international experts in respective topics, supporting them in their scientific output, while also reflecting the global networks of Egyptological research today. The MESA scheme is funded by contributions made by Patron supporters of the Egypt Exploration Society and we are grateful to them for their generous help. The first two papers published through the MESA Scheme will appear Online First early in 2021 and will be printed in volume 107 later in the year.
JEA 106 contents
Tell el-Amarna, Autumn 2018 to Autumn 2019
Anna Stevens, Gretchen R. Dabbs, Jolanda E. M. F. Bos, Amandine Mérat, Anna Garnett and Gemma Tully
Qubbet el-Hawa, 2019
Martin Bommas, with ceramic analysis by Eman Khalifa
Gordon Jelf and his Notes on the Work Conducted in the Theban Necropolis, 1909-1910
Marta Kaczanowicz
Bound Within a Box: Examination of Execration Figurines of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Tori L. Finlayson
Tewfik Boulos and the Administration of Egyptian Heritage at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
Nora Shalaby, Ayman Damarany and Jessica Kaiser
Back to Mahal Teglinos: New Pharaonic Evidence from Eastern Sudan
Andrea Manzo
The Northern Necropolis of Gebelein in Light of Old and Current Fieldwork
Wojciech Ejsmond, Aneta Skalec and Julia M. Chyla
The Role of Graffiti Game Boards in the Understanding of an Archaeological Site: The Gebel el-Silsila Quarries
Alex de Voogt, Maria Nilsson and John Ward
From Thebes to Piramesse — and Back: on the Text History of Supplementary Chapter 166 of the Book of the Dead
Harco Willems
A Group of Unpublished Objects from a Foundation Deposit for King Thutmose III from the Temple of Amun, Djeserakhet, at Deir el-Bahari
Ahmed M. Mekawy Ouda
The dni-Measure in Ancient Egyptian Tomb Construction Projects
Rune Olsen
Thônis-Héracléion : Mémoire et Reflets de L’Histoire Saïte
Franck Goddio and Anne-Sophie von Bomhard, with a study of the ceramics by Catherine Grataloup
Commodity Branding and Textual Potmarks: Three Bread Mould Intaglios from Tell Gabbara
Sabrina R. Rampersad
A Rare Type of Isis Dolente Figurine from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow
Olga Vasilyeva and Svetlana Malykh
The Beautiful Festival of the Valley in the Graeco-Roman Period: A Revised Perspective
Lauren Dogaer
From Limestone to Sandstone – Building Stone of Theban Architecture During the Reigns of Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III
Christina Karlshausen and Thierry De Putter
On Measuring Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Corinna Rossi
The Sarcophagus Lid of Iahirdis: British Museum EA 1640
Laurie Rouvière
Brief Communications
A New Fragment from the Amarna Royal Tomb
Rennan Lemos
A New Ushebti of the Divine Adoratrice Karomama Meritmut G, Identified in the Musée de la Princerie in Verdun (Département Meuse/France)
Jan Moje
Book Reviews
A Companion to Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt
Reviewed by Cary J. Martin
The Materiality of Texts from Ancient Egypt. New Approaches to the Study of Textual Material from the Early Pharaonic to the Late Antique Period
Reviewed by Ilona Regulski
New Horizons: The Pan-Grave Ceramic Tradition in Context
Reviewed by Kate Liszka
AcrossBorders I: The New Kingdom Town of Sai Island, Sector SAV1 North
Reviewed by Christian Knoblauch
Ancient Egyptian Coffins: Past – Present – Future
Reviewed by Aidan Dodson