01 May 2024

2024 Trustee nominations

Would you like to become a Trustee of the EES? Or do you know someone who you think would be a useful addition to the Board?

Would you like to become a Trustee of the EES? Or do you know someone who you think would be a useful addition to the Board?

Anyone who would like to be considered for election as a trustee at the virtual Annual General Meeting in November 2024 should download and complete the application form below and email it to [email protected] or send it by post addressed to “The Egypt Exploration Society, 3 Doughty Mews, London WC1N 2PG”, so that it is received no later than Friday 7 June 2024.

The Trustees will consider all applications received, may invite applicants for an interview and will decide by the end of July which applicants to select as Board nominees for appointment at the AGM. The Board would particularly welcome applications from members with experience and understanding of collection management and engagement, charity governance, finance and/or fundraising, or capital projects. In making its decision the Board will take into consideration, inter alia, the overall balance of knowledge and skills among Trustees.

The names of all the Board’s nominees will be published on the website in August, though any member is entitled to stand for election at the AGM and will be able to do so by giving notice to the Society, in accordance with Article 33 of the Articles of Association, by no later than 21 September 2024. 

Interviews will take place in June/July.


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