10 Nov 2021

2022 Online course programme

Our new online course programme for 2022 is now available - book your place now!

We know that lots of you have been enjoying our online courses over the last two years, and from the survey results earlier this year we know that 96.5% of you would recommend them to friends. Thanks!

But, we're always looking for ways to improve our services and listen to the comments we receive from you, our supporters. In the survey, you asked us to provide a more varied programme of online courses to welcome those with less prior knowledge all the way through to those of you with years of experience. That's why, throughout 2022, we will be providing a new syllabus of online courses, from introductory classes on Egyptian culture and language to an overview of Egypt in UK museums; from gender roles in the ancient world through to the Amarna Period and its significance in Egyptian history.

We've already launched tickets for the first three courses to be held next year, but watch this space as we start announcing more exciting opportunities to learn about Egypt's unique cultural heritage!


An Introduction to ancient Egypt | January - February 2022 | 5 weeks | Begin your journey of discovery in this beginner’s online course with Dr Carl Graves.

What level am I at?

Our courses are there for everyone to learn something new, but we appreciate that for some that might feel a little overwhelming, especially if you've missed some of the fundamentals. From 2022, we've categorised our courses according to the following levels to help you decide which ones you'd like to attend. Don't forget, all of our courses are also recorded live so you can catch up on lessons missed, or re-watch them if you need to go over anything!


Apprentice Ankh.png

No prior knowledge is necessary

Accessible to anyone with a passion for Egyptian heritage



Scribe Scarab.png

General knowledge of Egyptian history is recommended

No specialist knowledge in the relevant area is necessary



Vizier Wedjat.png

Undergraduate degree-level comprehension of Egyptological terms is recommended

Introductory knowledge of the relevant area is recommended


We hope that this new system will help you to find the best courses for you and also to trace your progression over time!


Foundation Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs | February 2022 | 3-weeks | Learn the basics of ancient Egyptian language with Charlotte Jordan. 

When do we hold our live lessons? Are they recorded?

All our online course lessons will be available online via Zoom live on Thursday evenings between 18:00-19:30 UK time. These lessons will also be provided as recordings for those unable to attend the live sessions, which will be available to course participants for one month after the event.

Special discounts and offers

Members of the Egypt Exploration Society can book our courses at a heavily discounted rate. If you’re not yet a member but would like to join in order to receive this discount, we are offering up to five months free for new members signing up with our new year courses (your subscription would last until March 2023)! Please ensure that you have joined here, and purchase your EES subscription and course tickets on the same day for this promotion to be valid.


Queens, Pharaohs, Goddesses: Feminine Power in Ancient Egypt | March 2022 | 5 weeks | Ed Scrivens will introduce the women (and deities) who ruled the Nile, explain how they did it and what they mean to us today.

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